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Friday, February 18, 2011

Fwd: Fw: | Full Site

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From: William Gladys <>
Date: Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 5:19 PM
Subject: Fw: | Full Site
Cc: Al-Hilal <>

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Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 5:25 AM
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'The Best Jihad is to speak the word of truth to the tyrant ruler'

Posted: 17 Feb 2011 07:50 AM PST

  • The events in Tunisia and Egypt have truly shown the amazing determination of the people to speak the truth against the tyrant rulers.
  • For decades kings, dictators, tyrants and crony 'democrats' have ruled the Muslim Ummah, looted the Um-mah's wealth, and allowed the Western powers to steal our resources and occupy our lands.
  • The Muslim Ummah from Indonesia to Tunisia from Uzbekistan to Pakistan have had enough of the oppres-sion of these rulers. Corruption, unemployment, poverty, lack of education, insecurity, sectarianism and violence have been the everyday life of the people for as long as we can remember.
  • We have tried so called 'democracy' in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Iraq and we have seen the fruits. Whereas in the past one tyrant and his family would loot the wealth, now we have a whole cabal of so-called 'democrats' who are looting our wealth and pushing our countries into sectarian chaos.
  • 'Democracy' is nothing more than a mirage that the West trumpets to give people the feeling that there is change. They only allow democracy if elections bring to power those they want. Zardari, Hasina, Karzai, Maliki and Erdogan are the products of this democracy. Elections in a system that is so inherently corrupti-ble does nothing more than to give legitimacy to those who serve Western interests.
  • The Ummah needs and is crying for change. This change will only come when we go back to our basis as an Ummah – that is Islam. Establishing the Islamic system of government – the Khilafah – is the only way that this Ummah can regain her position as a nation amongst nations.
  • Rulers with integrity, accountable government, just laws, an end to gross inequality and poverty, and an end to occupation are just some of the fruits of living under the Islamic system where the Khalifah is a servant of the people, contracted through the bayah to implement laws emanating from the Quran and Sunnah, as opposed to what him and his masters desire.
  • The Muslims in Egypt and Tunisia dodged tanks and water canons to speak the truth against these tyrants. Brothers and Sisters, are we going to keep silent or will we rise to act upon the words of the Messenger (salallahu alaihi wasallam)?
  • We must show solidarity with the rest of our Ummah by calling for the real change that the Ummah needs. The call for Khilafah must be raised from all corners of the Earth. Our role here is to refute the attacks on Islam and Khilafah and present how the Khilafah can bring the much desired change not only in the Muslim world but the world over.

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How can we end Western interference in our politics?

Posted: 17 Feb 2011 07:42 AM PST

  • For 30 years the US has been backing Mubarak and his cronies. They have seen Mubarak as one of their trustworthy servants in the Middle East. Every year they have given over $1 billion to the Mubarak regime to keep it happy.
  • Now, after millions of people have taken to the streets and hundreds have died, it is the same US that is behind the scene organising an 'orderly transition.' This 'orderly transition' is nothing more than the US managing elements within the Mubarak regime and the army to bring forth another set of cronies who will continue to ensure that Egypt continues to secure American interests in the Middle East.
  • The US has been and will continue to effectively determine who runs Egypt. Is this the change that millions of people were looking for?
  • The political system of doing America's bidding – whether that is securing Israel's borders, ensur-ing oil and gas transportation through the Suez, opening the economy to US and Western compa-nies benefitting the elites – will continue as long as America is behind the scenes. This is the result whether there is a single dictator or whether we have a so called democracy with elections. When Obama now calls for free and fair elections, be sure that America will ensure that she gets the cro-nies she needs to secure her interests.
  • Real Change means an end to American and Western interference in our politics. This can only happen when we as an Ummah adopt the Islamic political system – the Khilafah.
  • The Islamic political system gives the authority to elect the Khalifah (Ruler) to the people and obliges the Khalifah to only rule by the Islamic Shariah. That is the basis of the bayah contract.
  • The Islamic system will constitutionally prohibit the Khalifah from allowing Western troops on our soil, it will prohibit western companies from owning our resources, it will prohibit securing Israel and it will prohibit the State entering into any negotiations or permanent treaties that lead to foreign powers to have authority over us.
  • This is the real change that Muslims all over the world are seeking. To bring this real change every Muslim needs to call for the re-establishment of the Islamic Khilafah. We have had enough of these puppets in our lands. Let us this time comprehensively uproot any foreign interference in our affairs.

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EU source: Mubaraks' assets not on freezing list

Posted: 17 Feb 2011 03:51 AM PST

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not requested that the assets of ousted president Hosni Mubarak nor any of his family members be frozen in European Union (EU) states, an EU source revealed.

On Wednesday, the ministry announced it had referred requests to freeze the assets of several former officials to the country's embassies in European states, as well as other western and Arab states.

The crackdown on ex-officials and former ministers came after 18 days of pro-democracy protests led to Mubarak's resignation after 30 years in power.

The EU source, who asked to remain anonymous, said the list includes Ahmed Ezz, the resigned organization secretary of the previously-ruling National Democratic Party; Rachid Mohamed Rachid, former trade minister; Ahmed al-Maghraby, former housing minister; Habib al-Adly, former interior minister; and Zuheir Garana, former tourism minister.

Meanwhile, an executive at Washington's property tax services, Jill McClain, highlighted the difficulty of detecting assets and properties belonging to Mubarak and his family. She said it would be a lengthy process because there is no clear evidence regarding the location of the properties that were mentioned in recent reports from the US and the UK.

A banking official, who also asked to remain anonymous, said that only assets in US dollars in American banks can be tracked, should Egypt authorities ask for information on specific accounts. The official said that if these accounts were turned into euros, the process would be further complicated.

Al Masry Al youm

Egypt Women Clash Over Sharia Law After Tahrir Square

Posted: 17 Feb 2011 03:49 AM PST

Fatma Emam's mother accused her of wanting to be a man and threatened to disown her if the 28-year- old joined the protests in Tahrir Square. She went anyway.

"There are so many women who like me defied their families," Emam said after spending five days and four nights in downtown Cairo. "The revolution is not only taking place in Tahrir, it is taking place in every Egyptian house. It is the revolution of fighting the patriarch."

The women who rallied against former President Hosni Mubarak challenged social taboos in a culture that favors men. Now the triumph of the uprising has given way to cautious optimism among liberal activists who want an entirely secular legal code, with no Sharia, or Islamic-based, laws.

They are at odds with other women in the pro-democracy movement as the military sets the stage for the new Egypt, suspending the constitution and dissolving the parliament.

"Women in this country have always participated in revolutionary movements, and then they have had to fight inch by inch to get what they should get when things return to normality," said Margot Badran, author of "Feminism in Islam: Secular and Religious Convergences" and a senior scholar at the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson Center who was in Cairo when the revolt began Jan. 25. "It is like driving with the emergency brake on. You are driving, but it is pulling you back."

Husband's Permission

In Tahrir Square, the site of 18 days of rebellion that ousted Mubarak, women were from disparate groups, veiled and not, Christian and Muslim, Westernized and traditional. They were as outspoken as men, leading chants and banging iron rods on power poles to sound the alert of approaching pro-regime marchers. It was remarkable in a country where until 2000 a wife couldn't leave the country without her husband's permission and until 1999 a rapist could avoid prison by marrying his victim.

While Egypt in 1957 was the first Arab country to elect a woman to parliament, just four won positions in 2005. The People's Assembly then created 64 seats for women. With the legislature disbanded, the fate of the 64-seat quota is unknown.

The military will keep the Mubarak cabinet, which includes four women, in place for the time being during a transition period to a new elected government, according to a statement from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. The council appointed a committee Feb. 15 to rewrite the constitution.

Traditional, Conservative Views

As progressive as Egypt has been when compared with some other Arab countries, many in the country hold traditional, conservative views. Women would rather not work outside the home, according to a government study that found about 3 percent of all women in the workforce were in supervisory positions. Divorce for women often comes with stigma. Staying single into one's 30s brings the label of spinster and pressure to marry. Being the victim of sexual harassment can subject a woman to questions about how modestly she dresses.

The Tahrir Square campaigners were from a mosaic of groups orchestrated largely by young cyber activists holding a broad mix of views on social issues. The country is about 90 percent Muslim, and Egypt's best organized opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, combines public support for democracy with a backing for Sharia law. The brotherhood — which issued a draft position paper in 2007 that said a woman or a Christian couldn't be head of state — announced plans Feb. 15 to form a political party.

Having Four Wives

"The Islamic Sharia does not conflict with freedom and democracy," Asmaa El-Erian, 21, the daughter of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, Essam El-Erian, who was imprisoned repeatedly by the Mubarak government.

El-Erian's goals for the new Egypt are in sync with her more liberal sisters when it comes to envisioning greater participation in politics and more power in government, though she said the head of state should always be male because "men are more strict and firm." She said she rejects the demands of some activists to end a man's freedom to have four wives.

"God has allowed polygamy," she said. "Maybe many people don't prefer it, but it is not religiously forbidden."

Jehan El-Halafawy, a 59-year-old Muslim Brotherhood member who has run unsuccessfully for parliament, dismissed calls for secular family laws as part of "an external agenda."

"We cannot deviate from the basics of religion," she said. "When there are clear religious texts about certain topics, then you cannot open the door for negotiations."

Open to Interpretation

The idea that women shouldn't engage in politics or even rule as a head of state, on the other hand, is out of date, El- Halafawy said. "The cultural views in our society are that when women contest politics, they compete and butt heads with men," she said, "and thus many men reject this."

Activists like Nehad Abul Komsan, a founder of the Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights in Cairo, contend that Sharia law, which is based on interpretations of the Koran and religious writings, can lead to discrimination. While women are allowed to file for an expedited divorce in Egypt, they must return their dowries and can't receive alimony if they do. Men can divorce wives by simply declaring, "I divorce you." Women inherit half what male family members do.

"More women need to be engaged in the discussions," Abul Komsan said. "When we talk to leaders they say it is not the time to talk about gender issues; it is the time to talk about the future. But we can't have a gender-blind future."

Hurling Stones

Literacy rates are lower for women than men, at 59.7 percent and 83.3 percent respectively, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. While women made up 49 percent of the population in 2006, they were 22 percent of the workforce, agency data show.

Estimates by the United Nations and other research groups are that more than 80 percent of women have undergone the genital mutilation that tradition holds protects their chastity. A survey last year of women aged 15 to 29 by the UN Development Programme found 50 percent had been subjected to sexual harassment and 99 percent to verbal harassment from men.

Legal reforms could change that, said Abul Komsan, who links sexual violence to political oppression. "When people feel they aren't respected," she said, "why should they respect others?"

In Tahrir Square, women said they weren't hassled or bullied during the protests.

Support From Afar

"Women were spending the night out there, they were cleaning the streets alongside men, they were hurling stones with the men," said El-Erian, who was in the plaza for three days. Sally Moore, a 32-year-old who is a member of the Youths' Coalition of the Egyptian Revolt of Anger, an alliance of protest groups, said women rejected the offers of men to shield them during clashes with pro-regime forces. More than 300 people died in the country during the demonstrations.

"We said, 'Sorry, we're just like you,'" Moore said. "Being a woman does not mean that I need your protection or that I have to support you from afar."

For Nawal El Saadawi, a 79-year-old former political prisoner whose 1969 book "Women and Sex" was banned in Egypt, what was notable was how she was treated with esteem by young men in the Muslim Brotherhood.

"They said, 'We read your books and we differ on some points but we respect you, we love you and we believe in equality," she said. "This revolution is making a new social contract. It is creating a new value system."

Declining Female Representation

Egypt, the most populous Arab country with 80 million people, has a long history of powerful women, with rulers in ancient times that included the pharaohs Cleopatra, Nitocris and Hatshepsut. The Egyptian Feminist Union was founded in 1923 by Hoda Shaarawi, who shocked the country by going unveiled. Rawya Attiya, a Liberation Army officer, became the first Arab female parliamentarian after campaigning in a military uniform.

"Egyptian feminists have inspired women activists across the region across the last century," said Isobel Coleman, author of "Paradise Beneath Her Feet: How Woman Are Transforming The Middle East" and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

At the same time, Coleman said, a strong Islamic movement "has pulled in another direction." Women made gains under Mubarak's authoritarian rule "that in a democratic system probably wouldn't have passed," she said. "How these things play out in a more democratic system remains to be seen."

Under Mubarak, Egypt in 2003 appointed its first female judges and in 2009 named its first female university president.

An Islamic Framework

Still, female representation has declined since 1984, when women occupied 36 of 458 seats, according to the Cairo-based Women Living Under Muslim Laws. The supreme court in April overruled State Council judges who decided women couldn't serve on the body that settles cases brought against the government because they are too emotional and too busy raising children.

Liberal activists may have to negotiate within an Islamic framework, Coleman said. She said that happened in Morocco, where parliament in 2004 raised the minimum marriage age to 18 established joint responsibility for children and granted women more rights in the negotiation of marriage contracts.

In Egypt, parents like Fatma Emam's mother often put more restrictions on daughters than sons. Emam, a research associate at Nazra for Feminist Studies in Cairo who describes herself as an Islamic feminist, hasn't returned home. She said she is "very hopeful about the country's future.

"People have come out of their shells," she said. "Egypt is liberated."

The 25-year-old who helped spark the demonstrations with an online video, Asmaa Mahfouz, said her father refused to allow her to stay in the plaza after dark. "No girl of mine spends the night away from home," Mahfouz said he told her.

In the video, Mahfouz said: "I, a girl, am going down to Tahrir Square. Come down with us and demand your rights."

Her foray into politics has changed her, she said. "I was very scared. I was shy, as a girl, to go up to people and talk," she said. "I have become much stronger."


Yemen clerics urge unity government

Posted: 17 Feb 2011 03:46 AM PST

Influential group demands transitional government with opposition representation in order to save country from chaos.

A group of clerics in Yemen have called for the formation of a national unity government in order to save the country from chaos, Al Jazeera has learnt.

The influential figures are demanding a transitional unity government that would see the opposition represented in key ministries, followed by elections in six months.

They say the move would place Yemen in the same situation as Egypt and Tunisia, without suffering bloodshed.

Their comments come amid fresh clashes between pro- and anti-government protesters on Thursday in Sanaa, the capital.

Loyalists of the government wielding batons and daggers chased a group of protesters meeting at the city's university, witnesses said. At least five people were injured in the violence.

Demonstrators are also continuing a protest in the southern city of Taiz.

On Wednesday, two protesters were killed Aden, a southern port city, while protesting against the rule of Ali Abdullah Saleh, the president.

Unrest has swept the streets of Yemen for the past one week, with anti-government protesters clashing with government supporters and security forces.

In the face of the unrest, Saleh has postponed a visit to the United States that had been planned for later this month, after the opposition agreed on Sunday to resume talks suspended since October.

Eyeing protests that brought down the presidents of Tunisiaand Egypt, Saleh, in power since 1978, pledged earlier this month not to stand in the next presidential elections. He also vowed not to pass on the reins of power to his son.

But his pledges apparently have done little end the protests.

Of the 23 million people in Yemen, 40 per cent live on less than $2 a day and a third suffer chronic hunger.


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